Sunday, March 21, 2010
Mami y Papi, los extraño tanto. I miss seeing your faces, the most familiar faces I know. I miss the comfort and security that it gives me to know that when I’m in Ann Arbor you are only a one and a half hour drive away. Alma, I miss you more than I can say. So I’ll just leave it at that. My sorority sisters, I miss the crazy, stupid amounts of love that we shower each other with every day. You ladies are my home away from home, but here I don’t have a home away from home away from home. Tia, my protégé, I miss being there to guide you and see you grow. You are never far from my thoughts. Jeff, mi mejor amigo through thick and thin. I miss our silly fights and all the joy that just being in the same room with you brings me.
Yes, I am absolutely blessed and incredibly grateful to have had this opportunity to experience living in Havana for three months. Yes, it is the opportunity of a lifetime; one that very few undergraduate American students have the chance to experience. Yes, I am truly enjoying my time here and yes, I have learned more than my mind can even begin to process right now. However, I would be lying to myself if I said that during my time here I missed none of the people, comforts, and material possessions from my life back in the states. Obviously, I do. Yet, when I catch myself thinking about it too much or for too long, I quickly try to snap myself out of it. What’s the point of crowding my head and thoughts with the people and things I miss if my days in Havana are numbered? I want to make sure that I take advantage of as much as I can while I’m here, knowing that when I leave on April 2nd I’m instantly going to miss a million and one things about being here. But I can’t help it. I do miss home.
A neon sunset
I’m never expecting it or waiting to see it, but it’s always a breathtaking surprise when I do. It usually happens at 1ra y C at around 6:30pm, once I’ve turned the corner and passed the “Playa Girón” block letter sign. I’m usually completely lost in my thoughts, or making sure I don’t get run over by a speeding car while absent-mindedly crossing the street, or focused on the waves crashing fiercely on the Malecón wall and spilling over on the street forcing cars to slow down for once. However, my thoughts come to a screeching halt when I see the neon pink and orange rays of dim sunlight amidst a grayish blue sky. The sun is setting over the Malecón. The clouds are stretched out into long, uneven wisps and I’m not even sure if they are the neon or the grayish blue.
Only three more cuadras until I reach the residencia. I purposefully slow down. These three blocks are familiar to me now and I like walking them on my own. I am used to the sound of engines constantly roaring past me, away from the fluorescent spectacle, not amused by the sun’s final performance of the day. Couples sit intimately on the Malecón, sweetly kissing each other, and for once I am not annoyed at their public display of affection because I know that I would be doing the exact same thing with that special someone. But I don’t feel lonely. If anything, it’s comforting to see and feel these strangers’ affection from across the street. From across the street, on days when the sea is rough, I also feel the mist of the sea carried by the wind. It hits my face ever so lightly and I lick the salitre from my lips. And before I know it I’ve reached the residencia. I linger for a little longer admiring the organic beauty of the sun’s departure for a few more seconds and finally turn my back on it and pray that it comes out tomorrow.
La mejor noche en Varadero
But their form tells me that they are in fact good dancers. However, the best of dancers would probably not feel that way if they had to wear costumes that looked like hand-me-down-down-downs, if they had to perform with several holes in their fishnet stockings, if their leotard had a gaping hole right under their titty tassle adorned left breast, if their shoes were so worn that it felt as though they had no soles to dance on, while making sure not to trip over the exposed wires on the stage. I keep watching and become fixated on one particular dancer.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Now that I am trying to remember her, the elderly lady who must be below five feet tall because I look down at her in my memory, I only recall her in shades of yellow. It is possible that she has a very wrinkled face, eyes pouched so tightly in bags of skin that I cannot surmise their color, a shock of white hair cut at geometric angles. Her clothes might be plain, or I am just bad at recalling outfits. Either way, she appears in sepia.
Discouraged, I contemplate not asking other people for their photographs. I feel slightly criminal as I snap shots of the bus stop from afar, of people’s backs, justifying my actions by reminding myself that I would never take a picture close-up or of someone’s face without their permission.
“¿Que es el último?” call out three different people as they arrive in succession over the course of a few minutes. “¿Veinte-siete?” responds the chorus. When each arrival nods, someone raises his or her hand. They acknowledge each other, then lean, or settle into conversation, or lower slowly to a bench. I move to sit across from a group of three: Two men and a woman. I try again to ask for a photograph. This time I add the disclaimer that I know it’s strange but I think the bus is interesting and they have a bus stop sign behind them. They translate my muddled Spanish to each other, then look at me blankly. The woman with the straightened hair and smooth brown cheeks confirms that I want a picture of her. She breaks out into laughter, shakes her head at me. No. I apologize, banish myself to another bench. Procure myself a place in line after the last woman who asked. Raise my hand when the next person asks. Clutch my 5 centavos CUC (the closest equivalent to 40 centavos moneda nacional, but still worth more than one entire peso cubano. Even my pennies are privileged). Try to listen in on the snippets of conversation around me, but the Spanish is too quiet, or too far, or too fast.The 27 arrives, and because it’s Sunday, there is not a huge crowd scrambling to climb onto the bus or squeezing into an already limited space. I stand behind the woman with the headscarf and wait my turn to press my coin into the driver’s firm hand.